Age: 37
Works at SEAUTON since: June 2012
Function: HR Manager
Dream-destination: I have so many! Argentina, Australia, … I also hear a lot of great things about Croatia, though I’ve never been there myself.
Loves: Unexpected moments of pleasure and happiness with my family and friends, the sun shining, culinary experiences both large and small.
Doesn’t like: I prefer to keep it positive.

What does an HR Manager at SEAUTON do exactly?

“I’m responsible for everything related to HR and I’m the point of contact for both our employees and the management team. Sometimes I’m doing personnel administration, at other times I’m recruiting new talent or working on the optimisation of our fringe benefits or working conditions. If people want to talk about career development, they come to me, and I also organise training and courses for our employees. Last but not least, I’m trying to keep a permanent focus on change in a flexible and open organisation.”

What do you love most about your job?

“It’s always great to discover things that are new and different, but I especially love the many contacts I have with other people; from casual conversations at the coffee corner to official performance and job interviews. It’s so enriching, especially when you talk to people you would normally never meet. Everyone has his or her own reality, I find that fascinating.”

What would be your advice to people who are considering to apply for a job at SEAUTON?

“I receive about two applications a week. The ones that are well written and convincing have a good chance of being invited for an interview. If I get the feeling a candidate has copy-pasted a letter and sent it to at least five different companies, he’s not likely to receive an invitation. I really want to know why people want to come and work for us: why SEAUTON, that’s the question they need to answer.”

What is THE reason to come and work for SEAUTON?

The functions outside of our project team are a great opportunity to work on large events and to be a pioneer in the MICE industry, whether you’re doing the preparation or the follow-up of a project. You’re challenged in everything you do, are able to work flexibly, etcetera. So if you see a job you love, don’t hesitate to send me your resume!”

You have learnt something about meetings, congresses and incentives by now. Can you give our readers your ultimate piece of advice?

“Never underestimate the importance of a good location for your meeting, congress, incentive or event. Whether it’s a client event or a kick-off meeting for your own staff, you need to find a location that suits your target group. It has to be large enough and meet the technical requirements, but most of all it needs to match your company culture.”

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